About the Author ‘Mike Pinnock’

‘Born near Portsmouth in 1945, Mike lived his childhood within the naval dockyard where he later completed a marine engineering apprenticeship. He spent his working life in industry, latterly as a Senior Engineer with Calor Gas Ltd, where he travelled extensively in the UK, and throughout the world with its parent company.

 Mike took up running and long-distance walking in the early 1980s. He has completed fourteen marathons, three ultra-marathons and has walked seventeen long-distance trails in the UK, before beginning the challenge of walking across the continent of Europe.

 He has two children and four grandchildren and lives with his partner Polly in both Spain and the UK’.

A Bootneck’s Footsteps, Mike’s first book, was published in 2007. In it he journeys around the shores of Britain and beyond by land and sea, uncovering some surprising facts about his Dad’s life as a Bootneck (Royal Marine) who sailed on the great warships during the first part of the twentieth century.

Mike’s second book Walk East Until I Die, published in 2018, is a comprehensive account of his walk across Ireland and an exploration of its history that he discovers along the way. He starts from Dursey Island in County Cork and ends in Dublin, walking along paths that form the E8 European route to Istanbul in Turkey.

Mike Pinnock